The Burning Bush
thoughts from a cunning linguist

October 08, 2003

Being Pig-Headed

If you've never heard of or read Olivia or Olivia Saves the Circus, (a) you're missing out on real pleasure and (b) this blog entry will mean nothing to you. So get thee to a book store, find the children's book section and be prepared to laugh. Olivia is the world's most fabulous pig. And as of today, there is a new Olivia book: Olivia....and the missing toy, which I, of course, am dying to own.

Olivia is drawn by former New Yorker cartoonist Ian Falconer. The books so far have been drawn only on black, white, and red (with shades in grey and pink)--the new book introduces the colour green. What is so fabulous about Olivia is her wit, her independence, her curiosity, and her flare for the dramatic. Olivia rocks. I'm waiting with bated breath for the newest Olivia to arrive on my doorstep. Yay!

Posted by Bush Whacker at October 8, 2003 12:17 PM
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