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A little healing time on your agenda... won’t hurt!
Certified CFQ Instructor since 2006
You would like to attend a workshop? Contact Gigi at 506 473-4347 or
by email. What’s more, you should know that I am also willing to travel on request to give weekend classes to 6 or more students.
Frequently asked questions
- What is Cosmic Freedom Qigong (CFQ)?
- What are the benefits of CFQ?
- What will I learn?
- What will the workshop provide?
- Who should attend?
- CFQ-What’s in it for me?
- Where can I find more about CFQ?
1. What is Cosmic Freedom Qigong (CFQ)?
- Cosmic Freedom Qigong is a meridian-based, organ cleansing, whole-body exercise. Its approach to health comes from TCM (Traditionnal Chinese Medicine) that says: "When bioenergy settles down hundreds of diseases vanish." The practice of CFQ’s way of letting go unloads emotional and disease problems.
- It consists of seven simple movements ("The Hexagram Dance"), which emphasizes total relaxation.
- It is complemented by at least six other meridian exercises.
- These flowing dynamic exercises establish a transformational energy flow and consciousness shift to initiate a complete healing process.
2. What are the benefits of CFQ?
- CFQ moves radiant energy or qi (pronounced chi) to create a smooth and balanced flow.
- This balanced flow eliminates trapped biological and emotional trauma.
- This practice roots out the body’s energy blockages, stops anxiety, and quiets the heart.
- CFQ is a method of helping the body return to its natural state of good health by cleansing negative energy, activating the resilience spirit and bringing pure cosmic energy into the body.
- Emotional, physical distress and spiritual blockages are thoroughly cleared out and health restored.
3. What will I learn?
- You will learn the ancient practice and art of Qi healing.
- CFQ showcases a simple way to foster relaxation energy and healing consciousness.
- As you practice CFQ, you generate radiant qi and use this energy to effectively cleanse your own bioenergy as well as on those with whom you work.
4. What will the workshop provide?
This workshop teaches the theoretical foundation for CFQ. You will have ample opportunities to practice the movements and the treatment process to improve your health. You will learn how to use these techniques as part of other healing modalities and expand your healing skills. An instruction manual and DVD with the movements will be available for approximately $20.00 each.
5. Who should attend?
The workshop is open to anyone with a desire to learn ways to take more control of their own health. Those who are already doing Eastern energy arts or who are mediators will find the CFQ techniques enhancing their practice. Participants can quickly move into a state of transcendence (normally difficult to attain) with expanded consciousness into their energy field. This serves as the basis for effective healing and advancement into deep insights. Those in the helping professions, who would like to add these healing techniques to their current practices, will find this workshop invaluable.
6. CFQ-What’s in it for me?
Well, as our homes need regular cleaning and emptying of the old, our energy bodies (our vital envelope) also need cleansing of our old emotions, thoughts and stale energy. In doing so we gradually harmonize mind-body and spirit which in turn, reconnects us to our innate healing resources and our interior wisdom. We feel lighter, happier and experiment a clearer mind. This is what CFQ has to offer. It is a pathway that with practice, brings equilibrium back, harmony, well being and ultimately health. So... why don’t you put healing time on your agenda?
7. Where can I find more about CFQ?
Frequently Asked Questions drawn from Dr Chok Hiew handout and modified by Gisèle (Gigi) Michaud, Certified CFQ Instructor.